Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In the beginning..

We decided we would slowly convert the part of our property, that was filled with prairie grass and wild growth, into a garden in small stages. We decided to put in a few fruit trees, at least one shade tree and a vegetable patch.

We chose to put start behind the black sheets that were laid by the property developer at the end of the lawn portion of our back yard. We started out in early spring with a little research.

We ordered our fruit trees on the web (at Stark Bros), we had a friend recommend this catalog nursery to us. we ordered 5 fruit trees and a shade tree, strawberry plants and phlox.

We had to see what kind of a soil we had. We had heard that more often than not, property developers put in soil that does not suit vegetable growth. Thankfully ours was not too bad at the spot we had chosen.

So we started out in mid April, with a shovel, a garden rake, bales of peat moss and bags of compost. After three hours of digging a 12 X 4 patch. it was soon apparent, this was easier said than done with a shovel, despite all the "help" we were getting from our 2-year old.

In a couple of days beat the retreat to Home Depot to rent a a Rear Tine Tiller. Pretty soon after some landscape edging and more bags of peat moss and compost, we had our patches ready we had 4 separate patches, 24 X 4 feet each, all arranged in a 2 patch wide L-shape.

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