Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Layout

Pic Taken 6/26/2010
We have stuck mostly to the simple structure we laid out for our vegetable that we started with last year. Our vegetable garden consists of four 4 feet by 24 feet patches. Arranged in an L shape, two horizontal and two vertical to the plot.
Pic Taken 6/17/2010
Given our success with composting with the last year, we have gotten a little more adventurous with composting this year, adding waste meat from our kitchen/table to the compost. The challenge last year was keeping the wild critters out of the bin. We were not very successful with that, I think we had everything from rats, rabbits, raccoons and even a fox in our bin last year. So we moved the compost bin nearer to the garden, away from the prairie and the bushes. That didn't quite deter the rat, so we dug and laid a fence into the soil. After a couple of weeks of a repetitive digging and filling match between us and the critter, it finally gave up. So this time we hope the critters have surrendered.

Pic Taken 5/2/2010
The black patch verical to the right is my experimental patch. This patch is covered with a black cloth to increase the soil temperature and grow plant that like more warmth. We have Peppers, Watermelons, Okra(ladies finger), eggplants(Brinjal), on this patch. So far its seems successful.

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